OmniE Researchproject
Published: Feb 27, 2022 by monalysis GmbH
The OmniE consortium consisting of Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH, EnergieNetz Mitte, Fraunhofer IEE, Göttinger Verkehrsbetriebe, Kempten University of Applied Sciences and monalysis GmbH developed a manufacturer-independent ICT-based analysis tool from 2020-2022 that shows public transport operators the potential for substituting conventional diesel buses with electric buses in their fleets.
This raises the questions of what cost structure is associated with this, how great the CO2 savings are, which charging concepts are possible, what technical configuration of the charging infrastructure results from this, at which locations this must be set up and how this can be supplied with renewable energies.
The analysis tool enables various scenarios to be presented in a comprehensible manner and the economically/ecologically optimal substitution scenario to be determined according to the individual requirements of each public transport company in order to enable the companies to make the optimal decision for them with regard to the procurement of e-buses in terms of quantity but also with regard to the vehicle and charging infrastructure configuration.